Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2006/DECEMBER /12
At a meeting in Sharm el-Sheikh, discussions focused over whether investment promotion should be handled by the private or the public sector. Most people said the public sector is the more competent in this regard, yet many saw the private one could give a great deal of help. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
At a meeting in Sharm el-Sheikh, discussions focused over whether investment promotion should be handled by the private or the public sector. Most people said the public sector is the more competent in this regard, yet many saw the private one could give a great deal of help. Many important factors (promotion quality, facilitations and/or obstacles for investors, the country’s internal situation, etc.) must be taken into account with regard to investment promotion. According to Egypt’s Investment Minister, the government is taking further steps in this direction, and the country has lately recorded some staggering economic indicators.