Egypt is heading toward privatization, yet more remains to do. Dr. Nader Riad stresses the importance of resorting to specialized (foreign) managers and partners from the private sector to help boost the Egyptian economy. This, though, does not mean preventing the state from playing a very important role in the economic process. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
Egypt is heading toward privatization, yet more remains to do. Dr. Nader Riad stresses the importance of resorting to specialized (foreign) managers and partners from the private sector to boost economic development in Egypt. This, though, does not mean keeping the state away from the economic process, as demonstrated by the huge role played by the state in Germany during the reunification process and by some success stories in the German economy. Dr. Riad calls for something similar to take place in Egypt, too. According to him, this requires that new job opportunities be created and Egyptian workers be further qualified.

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