Al-Ahram Al-Ektsady Magazine 2002/APRIL /15

This article centered on modernization issues, and ways of implementing new ideas. The meeting was called by the Committee of Industrial Modernization at the Industry Union, chaired by the Vice Chairman, Shafeeq Alboghdadi. It was also attended by the People Assembly’s Industry Committee Chairman, Dr. Ameen Mubarak, and a number of the members of the Union’s board of directors, heads of Industrial Chambers, and experts in economy. Shafeeq Alboghdadi pointed out that there are two programs for modernizing the industry; the national program, and the modernization program adopted by the European Union.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
This article centered on modernization issues, and ways of implementing new ideas. The meeting was called by the Committee of Industrial Modernization at the Industry Union, chaired by the Vice Chairman, Shafeeq Alboghdadi. It was also attended by the People Assembly’s Industry Committee Chairman, Dr. Ameen Mubarak, and a number of the members of the Union’s board of directors, heads of Industrial Chambers, and experts in economy. Shafeeq Alboghdadi pointed out that there are two programs for modernizing the industry; the national program, and the modernization program adopted by the European Union. Alboghdadi pointed out that we have acquired external loans, with moderate provisions of $ 450 million in order to initiate work, and refine the efficiency of performance. These actions were also taken to increase the competitive ability of the Egyptian industry in both the domestic and foreign markets. These funds include a sum of $ 300 million from the Japanese Development Bank, and will be distributed amongst Egyptian companies and factories, through Egyptian banks.

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