Al-Hawadis Magazine 2001/NOVEMBER /16
Dr. Nader Riad, Chairman of Bavaria, stated that the Egyptian industry is powerful, but is currently facing many internal and external challenges that should be overcome. In an interview with Al-Hawadeth, he stated that the establishment of the Arab Common Market was not a mere decision, but was in need of a work plan for in short- and medium terms. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Dr. Nader Riad, Chairman of Bavaria, stated that the Egyptian industry is powerful, but is currently facing many internal and external challenges that should be overcome. In an interview with Al-Hawadeth, he stated that the establishment of the Arab Common Market was not a mere decision, but was in need of a work plan for in short- and medium terms. Currently, the Egyptian industry is facing internal and external challenges, more than ever before. We have no alternative but to win the challenge. I am impelled to discuss the issue of the future of industry in Egypt at the national level. Dr. Riad stated that this should not be done away from international variables and challenges that would inevitably face our national industry. At the end, we must acknowledge the fact that we cannot isolate ourselves from the rest of the world. Furthermore, we cannot afford not to be acknowledged on the global map.

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