Thursday, May 30, 2013 

The Arab Union For Intellectual Property Rights under the presidency of Dr. Eng. Nader Riad held the conference of competitive ability as an incentive of economic growth in the attendance of a group of men of thought and economy, Arab countries ambassadors, presidents and secretaries of Egyptian universities and Arab specified specialized federations working in the field of Arab economic Unity session. Conference axes focused on the raise of awareness standard and to be keen on competitive ability support. Dr. Nader Riad emphasized in his speech in the inaugurative session on the necessity of the pursuit towards improvement of competitive ability as a motivator of economic growth and launch.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)

Dr. Eng. Nader Riad, President Of Arab Unity of Intellectual Property Rights Protection and president of culture and Information sector in the Council of Arab Economic Unity clarified that the technological innovation is on top of the most important basic factors in the support of the competitive advantages of countries and organizations emphasizing the necessity to be keen on improving the competitiveness ability and the pursuit towards it as an incentive for economic growth and launch throughout a number of axes including: updating, development, enhancement of Egyptian Industry in what raises the competitive ability of it – development of the resources of foreign cash and working for achieving stability in exchange rate. The ambassador/ Mohamed El Rabei, the secretary general of Council of Arab Economic Unity referred to the importance of the raise of the standard of awareness and interest towards challenges of local and world competitiveness and searching in those items related to competitiveness like business environment, international trade and continuous development. Dr. Ali Lotfy, former Egyptian Prime Minister clarified that the competitiveness ability can be measured for exports on the standard of nations in two indicators: the general attitude of commercial balance status of the country-the general attitude of the development of the local currency value. The ambassador, Gamal Baioumy, Secretary General of Arab investors Unity spoke about from the idea that Egypt’s losses are nearly 400 million US$, due to breaching intellectual property rights.

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