Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2002/SEPTEMBER/24
After discussing the bill on competition and anti-monopoly bill, the Cairo Chamber of Commerce calls for quickly enacting it. Some of the members of the Chamber shed light on the main provisions of this new piece of legislation (its main tasks, its benchmark criteria, the penalties it stipulates, and more). This bill, though, is far from perfect, and these experts also put forward some proposals to amend it before it is enacted. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
After discussing the bill on competition and anti-monopoly bill, the Cairo Chamber of Commerce calls for quickly enacting it. Some of the members of the Chamber shed light on the main provisions of this new piece of legislation. They illustrate its main tasks, the criteria it adopts to define whether a trader is a monopolist or not, the penalties it stipulates, and more. These economists, though, also show some objections to some of the items of this bill. Some of them, for example, call for abolishing corporal punishments and maintaining only financial ones. Others think these provisions should not be applied to all cases of monopoly indiscriminately, as monopoly, in some cases, is not harmful and is indeed inevitable. This law also sets forth the formation of a competition and anti-monopoly agency. These economists demand that its personnel be qualified and specialized in order to avoid the same mistakes made by other agencies in the past.