Watany Newspaper 2013/OCTOBER /20

Watani News Paper began its dialogue with Dr. Nader Riad by describing him as one of the Egyptian Industrial leaders who won the German First Class Middle of Merit, as well as Characterizing him by a moderate opinion and the achieving success through methodological work, and who achieve indisputable success whether in industrial private work or volunteering service work. The dialogue discussed a number of the important files in the political and economic terms, in particular, the concerns and ambitions of the industry in Egypt. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
Dr. Nader Riad clarified that The International Monetary Fund puts obstacles so Egypt cannot meet the terms of creditworthiness, and in the term of cutting out the American aid , His Excellency said that cutting off the aid shall effect the relationships with the donor countries , but on the other hand if will open the way to the diversity of sources of weapons. At the end of the dialogue, Dr . Nader Riad said in response to a question about the extent of his optimistic despite the current events and the rumors about the slowdown in making decisions and the prevalence of riots and chaos” I am optimistic that bad things that happened and still happening will result in learned lessons which urge citizens about the importance of returning to the pillars of state sovereignty and compliance with the system as chaos experiment were extremely negative, thus I expect that the Egyptian will regain his beautiful and original nature of respecting system and work and cohesion with the state and its institutions in the system that achieves success and progress in order to regain Egypt to its rightful position, to compensate the delay in development process in order to achieve the society of sufficiency and equity leading to prosperity.

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