In this article Engineer Dr. Nader Riad gives an analytical study on the ways to improve the business environment and creative competitiveness of the Egyptian industries. This speech was presented at the Fourth Annual Meeting on The Competitiveness of the Egyptian Industry, January 29-30, 2005. In this article, Dr. Riad speaks about many develops. He begins by speaking of the breaking develops of the Egyptian industry in the 1980’s. During this time there was a crisis rising in Egypt as it were around the world. Many actions had to be taken in order to secure that Egypt’s economy would withstand the crisis. During this time, there was high inflation and unemployment. In the second quarter of 1991, there were two pacts enacted. The first was with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in April. This initiative undertook urgent measures to fix the economy by reducing inflation, balancing deficits and the deficit of payments, and other overall economic changes. The other was with the International Bank to undertake structural reforms to improve the status of the public sector and enhance its efficiency, changing it into the private sector that is expected to lead the economic activity. Dr. Riad also discussed ways in which to improve the economy.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
In this article Engineer Dr. Nader Riad gives an analytical study on the ways to improve the business environment and creative competitiveness of the Egyptian industries. This speech was presented at the Fourth Annual Meeting on The Competitiveness of the Egyptian Industry, January 29-30, 2005. In this article, Dr. Riad speaks about many develops. He begins by speaking of the breaking develops of the Egyptian industry in the 1980’s. During this time there was a crisis rising in Egypt as it were around the world. Many actions had to be taken in order to secure that Egypt’s economy would withstand the crisis. During this time, there was high inflation and unemployment. In the second quarter of 1991, there were two pacts enacted. The first was with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in April. This initiative undertook urgent measures to fix the economy by reducing inflation, balancing deficits and the deficit of payments, and other overall economic changes. The other was with the International Bank to undertake structural reforms to improve the status of the public sector and enhance its efficiency, changing it into the private sector that is expected to lead the economic activity. Dr. Riad also discussed ways in which to improve the economy, of which the first is to target the reduction of burdens placed on producers and investors in order to reduce production costs and increase competitiveness. In addition to this, Dr. Riad expressed the need to magnify the role of scientific research, and increasing the training of workers so that they can compete in the global market. In order to have a sustaining economy, there must be a focus on small industries, and there should be various implementation to their industry to help boost their positions within the marketplace.