Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2002/APRIL /13

The article stresses the importance of conforming to international quality standards for products as a key factor for export. It praises the role of the Standardization Authority in this regard and calls for giving it more resources to help it fulfill its tasks better. It also calls for setting clear quality policies and objectives to help the economy compete internationally, and urges companies to mind international system specifications like ISO 9000, ISO 14000 and ISO 18000 in order to ensure consumer safety. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The article talks about the importance of conforming to international quality standards for products as a key factor for export. It praises the role of the Standardization Authority in this regard, but calls for giving it more resources to help it fulfill its tasks better. Experts call for setting clear quality policies and objectives to help the economy compete on the international markets. In doing so, they urge the companies to mind international system specifications like ISO 9000, ISO 14000 and ISO 18000. They also call for granting quality certificates only for the industrial establishments that have proved their conformity to the international prerequisites in order to ensure consumer safety.

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