Dorat Al Heat Magazine 2009/SEPTEMBER/15

Dr. Nader Riad is one of Egypt’s industrial pioneers and holds many important positions. He speaks about his professional life, illustrates the key elements to success for any industrial institution, explains how his company – Bavaria Egypt – was able to take over the Bavaria Company in Germany, and ends us talking about his family. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Dr. Nader Riad is one of Egypt’s industrial pioneers and holds many important positions not only in the economic sector, thus contributing significantly to Egypt’s development. He speaks about his career – from its beginning to his current position, illustrates what he believes are the key elements to success, and explains how his company – Bavaria Egypt – was able to take over the Bavaria Company in Germany. Yet, the Egyptian industry has still some way to go before it can stand on an equal footing with the rest of the world. In this regard, Dr. Riad explains the evolution the Egyptian industrial institutions – in his opinion – should go through to achieve this goal. His children, whom he briefly talks about, are getting ready to follow in his footsteps.

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