Aker saa Magazine 2004/MAY /19
The proposal of the new small enterprises law has caused much discussion, whereby experts review all implementations, advantages and disadvantages. Assisting small and medium enterprises has become of top priority. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The new small enterprises law was proposed as an attempt to solve unemployment rates and the issues faced by small enterprises. As with any new proposal, experts discuss all implementations, advantages and disadvantages of the law. Economic experts assert that the issues faced by the small enterprises are not only related to a law; rather they entail the contradictions present among various relations. Consequently, experts agree that it has become a vital necessity to view this issue at another angle; with a new mode of thinking and techniques. Such is due to the fact that small enterprises are the fundamental base of the Egyptian industrial pyramid, thus our desire to qualify the Egyptian industry and economy for global competition depends on the advance of our small enterprises. Furthermore, the SFD is providing their support and assistance in developmental research, whilst Dr. Riad outlines the basic requirements needed for developing small enterprises. In addition, the new law states that small and medium enterprises should be allocated a share of 10% of government purchases, whilst outlining all the services and advantages now provided to small enterprises. Furthermore, a study was conducted by a group of experts; their findings are discussed, including the statistical data obtained.

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