Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2015/JULY /26
While the world has got that Egypt has become a target of black terrorism in Sinai and other sites as well, however, the genius look that caused Ptolemy the first then to make out of Alexandria a world trade center has inspired Egypt today to construct its new axis in Suez Canal in a challenging way to make optimism superior over pessimism, a state which has prevailed over the region so it has finished the construction of such an axis in a standardized time depending on its economy in order to free such a axis from whatever foreign partnership via an Egyptian finance that surprised the world. This was the subject, Dr. Nader Riad handled under the title (The Suez canal axis..A return to the glories of the lighthouse of Alexandria) (Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
The article addressed the importance of the new Suez Canal Axis, its extended and increasing ambitions and economic benefits in the short and long terms. It referred to the attendance of world leaders to participate in the event of opening this giant axis is a proof that there is unity of visions and wills to make Egypt the focus of international attention. Also, the article assured that such a giant project has its important goal as it is considered a gathering of interests of all world countries especially those owning navigational fleet of ships and discriminate dispose in the world trade to become our partners in a gathering of interests present on the canal bank and going on a development track in a regular form. Therefore, Egypt’s security becomes part and parcel from security of the free world, so that threatening the world is considered a direct threatening for its interests.