Monday, December 03, 2007
Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Hany Helal, attended this week the graduation ceremony of the first class of graduates from the Department of fast-food restaurants at the Institute of Tourism and Hostelry, affiliated to the Technology College at Mattareya. The ceremony was held at the Ministry of Youth, and was attended by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Technology College at Mattareya, Eng. Dr. Nader Riad. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Dr. Helal expressed his satisfaction with the successful partnership with Americana Institute, as a pioneering experiment, which could be generalized with other institutions. He expressed the Ministry’s willingness, through its Technology colleges, to establish partnership or cooperation with any industrial, commercial or touristic institution; to prepare programs within their educational plans, for the initiation of technicians or technologists, according to the needs of Egyptian power labor. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Technology College, Dr. Nader Riad explained that the slogan; “Education for employment“ became a reality on the ground, as the Board of Trustees has established an important principle in its program; by implementing „education for employment“ in its practical and applied form. This system provides a practical practice in various aspects of specialization for the students, and enables them, in an ideal way, to get closer to their prospective jobs following graduation, Dr. Riad added. The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Company for International Touristic Projects, Mr. Ibrahim said that the number of students who passed this program successfully is 93 graduates. The success rate was 91%. 42 students got excellent degree, 34 students got very good, 50 students got good, 3 students got fair, while 9 students failed. Mr. Ibrahim said that employment contracts will be handed over to the graduates; to work for the company.