October Magazine 2013/OCTOBER /20

Under the title “General Organization for Export and Import Control”, October Magazine addressed in an investigation the opinions of the experts and industry me, specialists around this important case which is relevant to the Economic development. In his proposed opinion, Dr. Nader Riad under the title “Saving the competitive ability of the Egyptian industries in the time of crises” on many procedures as applicable ones so the Egyptian economy can pass this hard time and the current problems, including strengthening the domestic industry, completing the Egyptian Standardized Specifications and putting fair rules for import.(Available in Arabic- German in PDF)
Dr. Monuir Fakhry Abdel Nour assured that the government reconsiders revising the economic, industrial and market laws and regulations to provide the adequate economic climate and proper competitive environment to raise the economic quality and pushing forward the economic development cycle. Dr. Mona Al Garf referred that competition law needs to modify empower the Authority to play a strong role in the economic system. Dr. Goda Abdel Khalq assured the need to enhance the competitive market which has definite rules at first before we can discuss the Free market economy.

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