Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2003/SEPTEMBER/13
What does our industry need in the coming period to compete with international industries? We must to raise these questions amid the fierce competition we are facing from the industries of some countries which have and continue to pioneer. The products of these industries are now being exported to our country. Dr. Riad said that competition with international industries is conditional on quality, marketing skill, customer’s full satisfaction and development. In terms of quality, Riad believes the quality of products should be achieved from the beginning because there is no room for repairing the defects. He views quality as a fruitful process given the fact that today’s quality would not be able to meet the requirements of tomorrow’s quality. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
What does our industry need in the coming period to compete with international industries? We must to raise these questions amid the fierce competition we are facing from the industries of some countries which have and continue to pioneer. The products of these industries are now being exported to our country. Dr. Riad said that competition with international industries is conditional on quality, marketing skill, customer’s full satisfaction and development. In terms of quality, Riad believes the quality of products should be achieved from the beginning because there is no room for repairing the defects. He views quality as a fruitful process given the fact that today’s quality would not be able to meet the requirements of tomorrow’s quality. He maintained that the only governing tool the state possesses to develop the local industry in order to keep pace with the international acceptable levels is to upgrade the educational process to meet the demands and requirements of the industry. The quantity and quality of the outputs of the educational process are considered the most important within the industrial sector. It is the essence of its development and is a crucial factor of the industry’s edge to compete with the international industry. They are also pivotal in taking the initiative of quickly introducing radical changes, to preparing and planning the human resources capabilities and skills to improve their ability to cope with the facts of contemporary life in line with human progress and its renewed challenges.