Al-Mosaour Magazine 2004/NOVEMBER /15

Experts express their concerns regarding the program of developing industry. They judge the programs implementations, whilst discussing ways for improvement. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
A program for developing Egyptian industry was planned and funded by the European Union; yet positive outcomes were not set in concrete. In addition, a vast sum of funds has been received by Egypt in line with industrial development; however the men of industry are now inspired to obtain this funding in order to ensure that the money is utilized in the correct fields. Experts have their say regarding the program of developing industry. Whilst the relevant experts involved directly within the program assert the positive outcomes and potentials, other related experts express their concerns regarding the lack in criteria for the programs extensive number of projects, in addition to issues related to funding. Furthermore, in relation to foreign workers, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Industry asserts the necessity to establish an interminable plan aimed at Egyptian cadres training. It is expected that the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Industry and the relevant men of industry are to initiate a business tour.

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