Al-Ahram Newspaper 2004/JUNE /13
The German Minister of Economics and Labor Wolfgang Clement’s visit to Cairo last month achieved a success that echoed in the circles of the institutions affiliated to the German-Arab Chamber of Industry and Trade, businessmen and the Foreign Trade Ministry as well. The success was achieved thanks to the successful talks held by the minister. We, the men of industry, noticed one thing, namely how that minister took over two different ministries?!! We heard before that two similar ministries are amalgamated in one ministry, such as the ministries of industry and trade, industry and environment, domestic and foreign trade, labor and small industries, something which is not strange anymore. However, we did not hear before that the two ministries of economy and labor are amalgamated in one ministry, particularly as economy in Germany means industry in the first place. ( Available in Arabic )
The fact lies in the change of conceptions. The ministry of labor, with its labor unions, syndicates and laborers, has its own bylaws that serve its interests. Its strategic goal now is no longer to support employees against employer to get their rights. The development and maturity of the relation between employer and employees in addition to the safe implementation of laws no longer provide any room for any syndical activity in that field. Syndicates and labor unions are now interested only in combating unemployment and providing qualified technicians who can meet the needs of any job. Thus, the labor activity, especially the ministry of labor, turned into a field for training, qualification and rehabilitation, which – in some countries like Germany – cost a lot and should ensure benefits on economy. In other words, the training cost and the consequent economic returns are the two parties of the equation. Thus, the attractive central power came to gather the two parties of the equation in the ministry of economy and trade.