Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2008/JULY /01
Who is this weeks top star? With his vast knowledge he became the first man to buy an international organization in Europe. He is a multi-talented man of genius and faculties; believing that team-spirit is the way to success. Above all, he explains the importance of planning and awareness if an industry is to attain achievement. His identity and his secrets will be revealed. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
A man of business cannot rise to greatness with just knowledge alone. He must also have a keen eye for leadership, trust in his instincts, work ethics above the norm and the desire for power. All these aspects of a man can drive him to establish and sustain a successful, fruitful industry. One man has conquered industry. He, indeed, is a multi-talented genius. Being the first man to buy an international organization in Europe is one of his many achievements. Intelligence is not only shown through the vast success of his industry but is clearly written through the pages of his writings. With the agreement to an interview, he openly discusses his education and achievements. But above all he reveals his secrets to his success; team-work with a common goal, separation of administration, educating workers and the ability to continuously develop a new and improved product that is more advanced than the older model. This, and more, is uncovered.