Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2003/APRIL /19
Various industrialists and economic experts approve of the upcoming competition and anti-monopoly law. Indeed, they call for speeding up its enactment. They stress the advantages it will have on the Egyptian economy, yet some of them suggest some amendments to make this piece of legislation even better. On the backdrop of this law is, of course, the principle of trade liberalization, with the State being more an observer than an active player in the market. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Various industrialists and economic experts approve of the upcoming competition and anti-monopoly law. Indeed, they call for speeding up its enactment. They stress the advantages it will have on the Egyptian economy, as it will prevent any monopolist from setting the price they want regardless of the quality of their products. At the same time, it would prevent foreign products from dumping the local market. Yet, some of them think the law should be somewhat amended. For example, they believe that this new law should not be applied to infant industries or (for a few years) to those pioneering industries which have no competitors given the innovative nature of their product. On the backdrop of this law is, of course, the principle of trade liberalization. The State should no longer be (only) an active player in the market, but should indeed play more and more the role of an observer trying to regulate trade, prevent monopolies and, ultimately, serve the interests of consumers and the economy.