Dr. Nader Riad participated in the Conference for Egyptian Exports- Challenges and Methods of Scientific Confrontation, which was held in Cairo, 4 – 6 May, 1999. His study was entitled „To a better future for Egyptian industry“, which viewed industry components, Egyptian standards, taxes, customs, labor laws, transferring technology, education and training and small industries.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )

The study centered on the current problems, obstructing the path of Egyptian industry such as: High cost- Egyptian standards incapable under the current situation and the necessity to develop as soon as possible, as a supervisory and regulation tool to protect the national industry in the face of the dumping policy with imported goods- expanding and varying industries for exporting- tax laws- customs laws- labor laws- transferring technology- technical education and training and problems of small industries. This analytical study focused on the necessity of removing obstacles, which hinder Egyptian industry and stressed taking on the following recommendations: Reviewing the interest rate on banking loans for industrial projects- development and modernization of Egyptian standards as a domination tool to protect Egyptian industry- achieving permanent and continuing to magnifying Egyptian exports in the external markets by expanding and varying export industries- revising laws of taxes and exemptions- revising custom laws to reduce fees of production requirements- checking and developing labor laws- facilitating the transfer of technology, participation of banking institutions in financing and interest in small industries.

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