Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2001/MARCH /27

Industrialists expressed their fears regarding the opening up of the Egyptian market to host European products. They also questioned European support and its expansion involving new countries. The European interest in Egypt is due to it being considered a real partner in the European Union.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
Business organizations of the private sector could design and implement mechanisms enabling companies to be supported when facing the general threat of globalization and the agreements of European partnerships. Pascal Lamy, the European delegate called for the private sector to collaborate efforts with the Egyptian government regarding methods useful in the goal of development. Industrialists expressed their fears regarding the opening up of the Egyptian market to host European products. They also questioned European support and its expansion involving new countries. The delegate stressed that the European Union interest in Egypt does not only come from its political and economic weight but also because it is considered a real partner in the European Union.

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