Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2010/AUGUST /17
Achievement of high growth rates depend on the productivity of its citizens. A national project for training is required as worker’s productivity fell due to decreasing wage levels and weakness of worker’s skills which need to be developed and increased. Egypt has started to raise the productivity level of workers but still lags behind most developed nations. The gap between the education curriculum and the needs of the market has to be filled by reforming the educational and training curriculum to meet the requirements of the work market. The Ministry of Manpower’s plan to legalize unlicensed training centers will raise the benefit of the degrees from the certificates presented by these centers. Training has to be one of the priorities on the agenda of management. Programs must be implemented in order to achieve the target of workers.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Labor remains the base of industry, agriculture, trade and services. The duty of any industrial establishment is to improve the worker’s financial and technical levels, as the existence of qualified labor is the only guarantee of success. Some factories are using Asian Labor instead of Egyptian as it enjoys higher productivity and less cost. Low productivity appears in public companies due to low wages and excess of labor contrary to the private sector which recruits who it needs for a modern productivity level only. Training programs must be implemented according to industrial communities founded whose population intensity is high. The Egyptian worker has intelligence and quick learning and isn’t responsible for his low productivity alone so we must polish theoretical skills by education, training and creating team spirit. Workers skills need to be increased by private and public cooperation to establish training centers for workers in companies and work on legalizing unlicensed training centers. Management is responsible for low productivity of its workers and needs to understand the importance of training. There is no skilled labor due to this lack of understanding and many factories have recruited manpower from Pakistan and China. Low productivity of workers causes great losses for the national economy. An integrated system must be followed to access the level required for worker productivity. The gap between education and the work market means that graduates don’t meet the needs of the work market. Preparation of the environment and making it suitable helps directly in increasing the productivity of workers.