Al-Ahram Newspaper 1999/OCTOBER /23

This article discusses the establishment of a technological center which is being considered to provide technological services to Egyptian industry. This center will be linked with international bodies in the field in such a way will cope with international technological developments and provide Egyptian industries with this technology, says Dr. Mustafa al-Refa’y, Minister of Industry and Technological Development.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
This article discusses the establishment of a technological center which is being considered to provide technological services to Egyptian industry. This center will be linked with international bodies in the field in such a way will cope with international technological developments and provide Egyptian industries with this technology, says Dr. Mustafa al-Refa’y, Minister of Industry and Technological Development. The minister added that a discussion will be held to establish laboratories to test products and determine their quality and efficiency. Meetings will be held during the coming periods with producers and manufacturers in the specialized industrial sectors, which include spinning and small industries in order to get acquaint with their needs and requirements and discuss problems. It will assist in solving their problems as long as if they are in jurisdiction of the Ministry of Industry.

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