Al-Ahram Newspaper 2003/OCTOBER /05
This article highlights some of the achievements made by Dr. Nader Riad, head of the Small Industries Committee of the Federation of Egyptian Industries. In this article, it discusses the comprehensive vision Dr. Riad has for Egypt and the Industrials sector.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
This article highlights some of the achievements made by Dr. Nader Riad, head of the Small Industries Committee of the Federation of Egyptian Industries. In this article, it discusses the comprehensive vision Dr. Riad has for Egypt and the Industrials sector. Questions that were answered during this meeting included what the strategic trends in regards to the small and medium industries given the absents of a national strategy. Dr. Riad was also asked about the objectives of the State and the Federation of Egyptian Industries and what they are seeking from small and medium industries. And He also touched base on the importance of human resources and how this can help change the future of industries in Egypt.