Small and medium scale industries represent the basis for which the hierarchal structure of the industry is founded. Promoting small and feeding industries is the actual support of larger industries. The wider the base of small and medium scale industries, the greater the possibility that the industrial hierarchy will rise without causing a balance disturbance. This is important in order to reach a point where the industry can build its competitive capability and its export capacity, as well as developing a Hi-Tech base and increasing the added value of the Egyptian industrial component. Small and medium scale industries play a significant role in the economy by contributing to the national income, and its distribution throughout the region. This is in addition to its positive role in increasing wages per hour creating sufficient incomes and increasing the spending capacity of the worker.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
Small and medium scale industries represent the basis for which the hierarchal structure of the industry is founded. Promoting small and feeding industries is the actual support of larger industries. The wider the base of small and medium scale industries, the greater the possibility that the industrial hierarchy will rise without causing a balance disturbance. This is important in order to reach a point where the industry can build its competitive capability and its export capacity, as well as developing a Hi-Tech base and increasing the added value of the Egyptian industrial component. Small and medium scale industries play a significant role in the economy by contributing to the national income, and its distribution throughout the region. This is in addition to its positive role in increasing wages per hour creating sufficient incomes and increasing the spending capacity of the worker.