Aker saa Magazine 1998/FEBRUARY /18
After the implementation of the tangible GATT agreement the Egyptian textile industry has reached a crossroads. The GATT, tax impositions and custom burdens such as smuggling, and the privatization program have become an obstacle that affects Egypt’s ambitions for industry. External and internal challenges both face the Egyptian Textile Industry.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The Egyptian textile industry has reached a crossroads after the implementation of the tangible GATT agreement. The GATT, tax impositions and custom burdens such as smuggling and the privatization program have become an obstacle that affects Egypt’s ambitions for it’s textile industry. There are internal and external challenges that must be overcome. External challenges involve the volume of production, NAFTA, ASEAN, and the EU in controlling global markets and economic integration. With the shift to capitalism and the adoption of the privatization policy the GATT and it’s MPP (Market Penetration Protocol ) removes barriers off of foreign products Internally there is an ineffectiveness of industrial control bodies, not keeping up with modern practices and a lack of promoting small and medium-scale industries. These all affect our textile industry.