Al-Ahram Al-Ektsady Magazine 2006/JANUARY /16
Small industries and entrepreneurs still find it hard to get official support. The new tax law favors more the bigger enterprises. There are calls to achieve more integration among small industries and between small and large enterprises in order to support small industries and boost their productivity. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Small enterprises and entrepreneurs still find it hard to get official support. There is poor coordination among the agencies responsible for small industries and the new tax law favors large businesses rather than the small ones. Nader Riad and other high-level businessmen call for more integration among small industries throughout Egypt’s villages and between small and large enterprises. By supporting and also checking them, large industries could give small ones the chance to boost their own productive capacities. Yet, little progress can be made as far as the culture of providing care and development to the small industries in Egypt remains absent.