Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2009/JUNE /23
The file discusses “Infra-Med,” an investment fund to finance infrastructure projects, in cooperation with financial institutions affiliated with the European Union and Arab countries.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
The file discusses “Infra-Med,” an investment fund to finance infrastructure projects, in cooperation with financial institutions affiliated with the European Union and Arab countries. Minister of Trade and Industry Rasheed Mohamed Rasheed commented on the fund and noted a number of areas within Egypt that require investment, including the fields of energy, transport, water treatment, and combating pollution, and which investors are willing to finance. Dr. Nader Riad, chairman of the German-Egyptian Business Council, underlined that the challenges facing the Egyptian industry is currently at its most severe. He noted that new financing entities will help Egypt consolidate with global industries, but that the Egyptian industry also has to take steps to improve itself. Abdullah Helmi, deputy board chairman of the Chamber of Chemical Industries, commented on what he believes are areas of potential investment, including new road systems to ease the traffic and commute workers are forced to deal with.