Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2012/MAY /04
Who deserves loyalty in labor site? Should loyalty be for the organization owner or for the organization wholly or for the productive management which someone is subordinate to or for the managing director or for the giver of benevolent and commissions, This what the article answers, however, But if we got out of the frame of professional loyalty and belonging to a larger field, that is, the national aspect and the integration of the national lands as well as combination of all forces and tracks, this is also what the article addresses. .(Available in Arabic- German in PDF)
The article clarified that loyalty and belonging should be tracked to the profession which each of us belongs to, reaching the wonderful concept, that is, professional pride, which lets his adopter to stick to goals of quality and in pursuit to acquire whatever modern and updated in the methods and tools of the profession. The article emphasized the necessity that people forces in consider of their different tracks and backgrounds should surround currently the personality the most qualified and experienced in government affairs management whose top priorities of interests are the external policy and our relationship with countries abroad at the north, the south, the east and the west and who owns the national sense for managing the economic system which is the nerve of life in Egypt and our way to achieve the society of satisfaction and just in a reach of the society of welfare and ambition achievement for the family and the individual. In no disregard that the responsibilities of such a president is to return security to everywhere in our homeland, since without that the rate of investment and development wouldn’t be achieved even in its lower limit.