Sunday, July 05, 2009
On Tuesday June 30, 2009, an agreement was reached between The Technical Institute for Tourism and Hotels at the Mataria Technological College represented by Dr. Nader Riad, head of the College’s board of trustees and Americana Group represented by Mr. Mohamed Farouk Hafeez, the Group’s Executive Vice President, Human Resources & Management Development. The first party seeks to provide distinguished educational services similar to those provided by developed nations in the field of hotels and restaurants. This is in the context of the education for employment policy. It also links training to the labor market in cooperation with bodies which need these kinds of graduates.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )

On Tuesday June 30, 2009, an agreement was reached between The Technical Institute for Tourism and Hotels at the Mataria Technological College represented by Dr. Nader Riad, head of the College’s board of trustees and Americana Group represented by Mr. Mohamed Farouk Hafeez, the Group’s Executive Vice President, Human Resources & Management Development. The first party seeks to provide distinguished educational services similar to those provided by developed nations in the field of hotels and restaurants. This is in the context of the education for employment policy. It also links training to the labor market in cooperation with bodies which need these kinds of graduates. To achieve these goals, the first party seeks to increase interaction with the needs of NGOs in its specialties in order to provide students with the skills, information, and behavior that is necessary. This will provide the labor market with students that have scientific and vocational advantages backed by practical application in pioneering companies in such specialties. This comes within the framework of flexible and advanced courses in order to keep abreast of the latest developments in the labor market.

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