Monday, August 19, 2013
Mr. Mounir Fakhri Abdel Nour, Minister of Commerce and Industry, has held a meeting last week, with Dr. Nader Riad, President of the Federation of Egyptian European Business Organizations, to discuss ways for the EU to play an active role in correcting the distorted perception & image of what is happening in Egypt and to explain the political situation for the business community in the EU countries. Dr. Nader reviewed with the minister the federation’s significant role in the presentation of facts to the European community, evident in its circulating letter to about 3200 European organization, explaining Egypt’s stance and its ability & willingness to halt terrorism. ( Available in Arabic- German in PDF )
The meeting addressed the role of the Federation of Egyptian European Business Organizations in the development of economic relations between Egypt and the European Union as well as the implementation of some joint programs between Egypt and the EU in the fields of industry and commerce, including the draft reform of technical education and vocational training, whose second phase is scheduled to start soon. Moreover, Dr. Nader reviewed with the minister federation’s view of how to improve the competitiveness of Egyptian Industries, tackling a number of themes, including the deepening of the domestic industry, completing the Egyptian standards, the development of fair rules for importation in addition to addressing the low quality of imported goods, entering the Egyptian market.