Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2011/JUNE /19

Dr. Nader Riad pointed out to the load voices in Egypt calling for establishing the first two nuclear power plants in Dhabaa with out paying attention to the reactions of major industrial states to nuclear power usage. It is clear that these voices don’t know the major and serious dangers of this tendency on the future of the state and the people. In his study, he called for immediately turning to renewable energy resources such as solar, wind, thermal and photovoltaic energy resources. The study pointed out to the German government’s decision to immediately stop 7 nuclear power plants.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
The study pointed out to the world’s history of accidents took place in major industrial states, which unveils the potential risk of this tendency. Dr. Nader Riad said, if we put into consideration the German example, as it is the latest, we’ll find that Germany has 17 nuclear power plants, which were classified in ascending order in terms of nuclear safety criteria. Seven of these plants were immediately stopped. The government took a decision approved by the governmental coalition to stop the rest of the nuclear power plants once alternative energy resources are available. This decision was met with great satisfaction from the part of the German people. The study anticipated that with low demand on setting up nuclear power plants and the retreat of the number of technicians, designers and operators, Egypt will find a great difficulty, if decided to set up nuclear power plants, in maintaining and developing these plants. The study called for immediately entering into the era of clean and renewable energy, starting with wind and solar energies.

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