Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2013/DECEMBER /16
Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2013/DECEMBER /20
Dr. Nader Riad started his article by quoting one of the philosophers sayings who describes the great minds as they are is dealing with thoughts, and medium minds are dealing with events, while small minds personify positions and events and take biased attitudes or get temporary friendships without considering the whole position and dealing with the problem in its long medium and near term. The article discussed a number of significance priorities in the national action system in order to achieve the higher interests of the state which include a number of important files (Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
The article stressed the importance of paying special attention so everybody will be aware of the threats that surrounded Egypt. Egypt is protected by virtue of god; we must exert efforts to deliver Egypt to the new generations in a high place and to discard division and hatred. The article pointed out that it is time to open significance files such as Agricultural Industrialization in production sites as well as small industries – decentralized management and transferring a great part of the central authority to the Governorates in terms of Income and expenses such as finance and cost and to benefit from the return as every man knows his own business best. The article stressed that the strong Egyptian economy is able to achieve the people’s ambitions and satisfactions throughout the country.