Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2005/NOVEMBER /25
Al-Akhbar Newspaper 1996/DECEMBER /01

Man has been unsettling planet Earth’s environmental balance. As an example, the Nile, on which Egypt and many more countries have been relying throughout their history, has been suffering from man’s mistreatment. Action is needed. Economic growth and development must not be achieved at the expense of the environment. The consequences would be as devastating as to jeopardize life on this planet.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )

Man is mistreating the Earth. In his quest for power and money, he has unsettled this planet’s natural balance by polluting the environment and exterminating other animals. In Africa, the Nile, on which Egypt and many more countries have been relying throughout their history, has not been spared by this environmental degradation. Countries – especially those in the Third World – have the right to grow and turn from consumers into producers. Yet, this must not happen at the expense of the environment. The consequences would be devastating. Since the 1960s, Egypt has been concerned with protecting the environment and many NGOs have been spreading across the country over the past decade. Yet, this is not enough. More is needed, not only in Egypt but indeed across the world, to keep this planet suitable to host life.

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