Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2003/SEPTEMBER/29
The National Party’s Economic Approach Paper expresses the actual reality of the Egyptian economy. The paper confirms that the Party continues to support the application of market mechanisms and economic reform. It concentrates on the increase of investment (foreign and local) and its rate, because it is the only way to get out of the current crisis Dr. Nader Riad stated that the Paper concentrated on the small projects because they drive many important economic issues. and explained that the new aspect in the Party’s motto this year, is “citizenship’s rights”. It gives priority to the citizen . ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The National Party’s Economic Approach Paper expresses the actual reality of the Egyptian economy. The paper confirms that the Party continues to support the application of market mechanisms and economic reform. It concentrates on the increase of investment (foreign and local) and its rate, because it is the only way to get out of the current crisis Dr. Nader Riad stated that the Paper concentrated on the small projects because they drive many important economic issues. and explained that the new aspect in the Party’s motto this year, is “citizenship’s rights”. It gives priority to the citizen .