Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2017/JANUARY /30
Perhaps, if we think a bit outside the box, we will see that we are required to demand what is possible rather than demanding the impossible. I mean by demanding to have a unified Palestinian front behind an Egyptian initiative that calls for a demand reflecting democracy, justice and equality, namely setting a US embassy in East Jerusalem, along with one approved to be set in (Available in Arabic)
This demand may be in itself the means to move stagnant waters, reflecting the merits of the establishment of two states and the mechanisms of systematic implementation at both international and local levels, leading to an explicit international recognition of the actual existence of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state . It may be considered as an invitation to unite under this demand, as the subject of relocating the US Embassy to Jerusalem has become a confirmed matter in principle, or in other words is in the wait to choose the right time, nothing more. So, it is subject to delay for a while, thus becoming an issue of time that may be extended but is not cancel able in the short or medium term at best.