Sabah Al-Ker Magazine 2004/AUGUST /17

Businessmen and the business world have benefited from the economic reform programs of the early nineties. They were engaged in new activities for the private sector in industrial cities, especially Tenth of Ramadan, Sixth of October, El-Obour, and Borg El-Arab. They produced new commodities such as electronics and ceramics. During this period, family businesses were redeveloped and we witnessed the control of some families over certain sectors. Family businesses have advantages and disadvantages.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Businessmen and the business world have benefited from the economic reform programs of the early nineties. They were engaged in new activities for the private sector in industrial cities, especially Tenth of Ramadan, Sixth of October, El-Obour, and Borg El-Arab. They produced new commodities such as electronics and ceramics. During this period, family businesses were redeveloped and we witnessed the control of some families over certain sectors. Family businesses have advantages and disadvantages. Dr. Nader Riad discusses these developments along with several other businessmen in Egypt. The private sector and businessmen were able to play a significant role in constructing new cities and establishing projects in Sinai, the Red Sea, and other cities in Upper Egypt. Businessmen penetrated the tourism sectors, banks and exchange companies, and played a great role in reviving the Egyptian Stock Markets after long years of hibernation. They bought shares within business sector companies and succeeded in rising politically and becoming members of the People’s Assembly, the Shoura Council, and local councils. These public figures included Ahmed Ezz, Ramy Lakkah, Tal’at El-Kawass, Mohamed Abou El-Einen, Abdul Wahab Kouta, Kamal Abou El-Kheir, and many others. Recently three of these businessmen succeeded in joining the new Cabinet including Rashid Mohamed Rashid, Ahmed El-Maghraby and Anass El-Fekky.

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