Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2013/DECEMBER /30
Dr. Nader Riad started his article on the occasion of the advent of the year 2014 by describing the previous year as the year of bristling, differences, registering victories and defeats , the appearance of the heroes and the lapses with the difference in orientation and content and the excessing in Titles and attributes The article focused on the economic issue as it considered maker of progress for nations, people and individuals. The article demanded the need to develop a list of priorities, which represents the national interest of the country in which we all rally around in order to become a productive industrial society to make high status for itself on the international economic map.(Available in Arabic- German in PDF)
The article explained that despite the Egyptian economy suffered from the constraints and what it faced of severe and accelerated crises in 2013 , and the economic was almost to enter recession and economic slowdowns circle, but it soon began to recover and the Egyptian pound remained stable against other currencies, as well as the coherence of foreign exchange reserves representing acceptable defense. The article pointed to the importance of moving forward in the implementation of the roadmap, as well as the displacement of the elements of the hateful terrorism from Egypt, we hope to return of Egypt to its proper place on the world tourism map and the flow of arab investments and the interest of the state youth employment and provide new job opportunities as well as taking the correct action in the labor march and the success of implementing the minimum wage as the first stage in facing poverty.