Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2013/OCTOBER /31

The article stressed the importance of supporting fertilizers industry in Egypt and providing the proper environment for it, as well as applying the rapid policies in order to ensure the continuity of this industry as one of the important axes that support the national economy in order to get rid of the problems that it faces through providing it with energy, gas and the potentials of replacement and renewal The article explained that the debate of what so called the fertilizers crisis in the local market due to the lack of supply of and its high prices does not reflect reality, as there is no lack in the productive capacities available for fertilizers, but if these capacities are used in a proper manner, this will allow the export of 40 % of the produced available quantities as well as fulfilling the market needs in general.( Available in Arabic – German in PDF)

The article pointed out that what is so called the fertilizers crisis specially, Nitrogenous represented in frequent seasonal bottlenecks in winter and summer consumption. These reasons can be summarized as follows: 1- Distribution, which is limited to the agricultural credit bank, which receives fertilizer from producing companies in semi-fixed prices not commensurate with the continued increases in the inputs of these companies. 2-The drop of factory production in the recent period and the heavy losses due to the fluctuation of the quantities of supplied natural gas which is the main raw material in this industry. 3- Lack of conducting updating processes of some producing factories due to the stopping of replacement and renewal operations such as Kima Company, so it became necessary to save them urgently before the collapsing of this important industry. 4-The decision took by the Supreme Council of Energy to stop the expansion of the nitrogenous fertilizer industry due to the lack of the availability of natural gas, which will cause heavy losses in the coming years and will deprive the state of an important source of income sources of free currencies.

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