Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2014/FEBRUARY /10
The article discussed some of the advanced features of priorities needs of the next phase of work and production system , and he claimed the next government to set a master economic plan for five years and to work on activating the laws which give the small industries preference in government procurement for small industries , as well as dealing firmly with the importing expired goods and products.(Available in Arabic- German in PDF)
The article stressed that the arranging of priorities is an evidence of the determination and firmness that the country needs at this stage and subsequent stages, summary those priorities as follows: Claiming the next government to set a Master plan for its executable economic trends during this phase including: future plans for each ministry showing the budgets of governmental spending to achieve those achievements – work on activating the broken laws that give preference price in government procurement for small industries, as well as local industries including local component increases 40% – to stick to what has been previously approved by the unification of the various types of taxes on activities , income and individuals with a value of 20% unified tax, especially after that proved successful in reducing the proportion of tax evasion and increase the commitment of providing budgets reflect the reality of the business -Claiming the Ministry of Industry and Trade to create a record of national industries ranked according to the date of its creation including the general specialization and specialization and production capacities and the man power thereto – The government through its organs regulators to address the operations of customs evasion which spread lately and threated local industries, as smuggling of goods and products is estimated with a value of 40% of the entire production of local factories – respond firmly to fraud products and industries that have spread in recent years, particularly in the food, pharmaceutical, chemical and engineering industries and Basic commodities