Al-Ahram Al-Ektsady Magazine 2008/AUGUST /25

The Shura Council building has turned to ashes after a devastating blaze consumed this modern Egyptian Historical monument As a result, it has revealed the inadequacy of our emergency organizations, thus leading to the collapse of the system of “Anticipated Prevention’ against fires in Egypt. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
We must not wallow in self pity for the loss of a modern historical monument; full of lasting memories. But rather we should gain knowledge from this devastation in order to prevent such events from reoccurring. In light of this, we should grasp the opportunity to re-establish the Shura Council building; restoring its architecture and material similarity. An interview conducted by Sherine Morad reveals how we can enhance our fire emergency system through nation wide fire regulations, in addition to discussion into how to restore the Shura Council building.

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