Al-Masry Al-Youm Newspaper 2011/OCTOBER /31
Dr. Nader Riad pointed out that every state aims at raising the living of its people and providing good living opportunities and welfare through the society of increasing opportunities of investment, employing the savings, the ability to compete internally and externally, besides providing all national efforts to reach the utmost national income He also referred to the difficulties which are in the way of the industrial Egyptian production, e.g. little available investment, difficulties of exporting capacities, are due to the trembling hands not strong ones, which involve ministries, administration authorities, licensing and banking sector. (Available in Arabic- German in PDF)
The article assured the necessity to move toward the priorities which are in the top tools of economic means to drive the Egyptian economy out of the bottle’s neck, it summed them up in ten recommendations: Completing the application of Security System, which are one of the basic requirement for modern states – protecting the Egyptian Industry of the imported goods – restricting the control over the screening of the goods of safety and security which are not compliant to the standards – Maximising the role of Customers Protection Authority and extend relationships between the Authority and Medical Control authorities – encouraging Industry modernization program so it start its practices aside of the weak leaderships – encouraging the Egyptian exports to raise its exports’ share, as it is a source for foreign currency, necessary for industry and importing raw materials, the thing which shall reduce the burden on the state in providing the hard currencies for them – maximizing the role of Industrial Control Authority for protecting markets of the false and bad goods.