Aker saa Magazine 2005/JUNE /15

The signing of a technical cooperative protocol paves the way for the production of high quality products, thus positively impacting the Egyptian industry as we strive forward in our advancement toward the international market. Of the relevant experts involved, Dr. Riad, Al Zorba and Dr. Nazer have their say. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The Federation of Egyptian Industries has participated in the signing of a technical cooperation protocol with the National Research Centre. As a result, the Federation now has access to the competent scientific and research cadres available at the Centre, with the aim of devising a solution to the industrial problems. Relevant experts have their say in regards to cooperation protocol. Al Zorba emphasizes the encouragement and supporting aspects of the protocol, whilst Dr. Nazer outlines the necessity imposed by the new international realities. On his part, Dr. Riad relates to the protocol as a crucial step toward continuous technological development.

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