Al-Ahram Al-Ektsady Magazine 1994/FEBRUARY /07

The first forum on the future challenges facing the Egyptian industry was held, sponsored by both the Ministry of Industry and Al-Ahram al-Iktissadi magazine. The Egyptian industrialists voiced certain demands; they demanded that the rate of meeting their needs and requests should be quicker, and called for protecting the Egyptian industry from the unjust competition with the foreign one. Also, a number of side meetings took place regarding how to help and advance the Egyptian industry. ( Available in Arabic )
The first forum on the future challenges facing the Egyptian industry was held, sponsored by both the Ministry of Industry and Al-Ahram al-Iktissadi magazine. Despite the assurances made by the Minister of Industry, Dr. Ibrahim Fawzy, who said that the relationship between the government and the industry men is going on in the right direction though in a very slow pace, some people found it very difficult to accept that statement. The Egyptian industrialists voiced certain demands; they demanded that the rate of meeting their needs and requests should be quicker, and called for protecting the Egyptian industry from the unjust competition with the foreign one. Also, a number of side meetings took place regarding how to help and advance the Egyptian industry; the first meeting was held with Dr. Mohieddin el Gharib, the Head of the Investment Authority, the second meeting was with Willy Delfoe, the General Director of one of the foreign companies in Egypt, the next meeting was with Dr. Saleh Khalil, the Head of Gaza Jericho Committee affiliated to American Trade Chamber in Egypt. The keynote speaker in the he concluding session was Dr. Mohamed Helal, the Head of Board of the Egyptian Authority for Standards Unification and Production Quality. Mr. Talaat Ghabbour from Ghabbour group also contributed as well as Mohamed Farid Khamis.

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