Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2002/MAY /02

Expert trainers and economists call for reforming the Egyptian Trade Union Federation and increasing workers’ abilities and, most importantly, discipline. Some of them also stress the need to update the technology available in the Egyptian industries so that Egypt can catch up with the rest of the world in terms of productivity and quality. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
Expert trainers and economists call for reforming the Egyptian Trade Union Federation to make it closer to the legislative authorities and make it easier to discuss and solve the workers’ problems. They also stress the need for training courses aimed at increasing the workers’ discipline, abilities, and sense of belonging to their workplace. First, though, they call for modernizing the technology available for the local industries; only then will Egypt be able to catch up with the rest of the world in terms of production and quality. In this regard, Dr. Nader Riad calls on the trade unions to change their strategy when it comes to vocational training, and shows no objection to a worker changing his or her specialization in light of the market’s demand

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