It’s an indisputable fact that issuing the Law of Competition Regulation is of great importance. However, it should be formulated in a way that suits our international commitments. This is detailed in the Memo written by Dr.Eng.Nader Riad to his Excellency Dr Hasan Khedr, ( Available in Arabic )
Indisputably issuing the Law of Competition Regulation is of great importance. However, it should be formulated in a way that suits our international commitments. This is detailed in the Memo written by Dr.Eng.Nader Riad, Advisor to the Committee on Industry and Energy of the People Assembly and Member of the High Commission of the Policies Secretariat at the National Democratic Party, to his Excellency Dr Hasan Khedr, Minister of Supply and Internal Trade. The memo includes some suggested adjustment of the draft law in the aim of activating the law and preventing any potential negative effect. This is in the session held at the headquarter of the Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade on Thursday, December 26, 2002.