Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2002/OCTOBER /12

This article discusses the important study recently published revealed that the future of Egypt’s field of industrialization and the exporting of advanced technology is in danger. This news caused anxiety on the part of experts. The study was presented by Dr. Safa’ ‘Abdel ‘Al, of Faculty of Arts at Ain Shams University, reviews the latest indicators of Egypt’s position in this industry, mentioning that Egypt is considered one of the most backward countries in the field of exporting advanced technology. The total of technology exports does not exceed 7% of total exports, while in Israel it represents 33% of total exports. As for the volume of exports of this technology, Egypt is considered to be in the lowest producer of Arab countries. Jordan’s exports of this technology represent almost 26% of its exports, Morocco’s represent 27%. Worldwide, South Korea is close to 39%, the Philippines 71%, and the US totals 44%.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
This article discusses the important study recently published revealed that the future of Egypt’s field of industrialization and the exporting of advanced technology is in danger. This news caused anxiety on the part of experts. The study was presented by Dr. Safa’ ‘Abdel ‘Al, of Faculty of Arts at Ain Shams University, reviews the latest indicators of Egypt’s position in this industry, mentioning that Egypt is considered one of the most backward countries in the field of exporting advanced technology. The total of technology exports does not exceed 7% of total exports, while in Israel it represents 33% of total exports. As for the volume of exports of this technology, Egypt is considered to be in the lowest producer of Arab countries. Jordan’s exports of this technology represent almost 26% of its exports, Morocco’s represent 27%. Worldwide, South Korea is close to 39%, the Philippines 71%, and the US totals 44%. At the beginning, Dr. Venus Kamel Gouda, former Minister of State for Scientific Research, stated that “the major cause of Egypt’s lag, in the field of advanced technology, is lack of concentration, of accurate selection, and of setting the right priorities to insure success. Unfortunately, in Egypt we disperse ourselves in many fields; without achieving the intended goal. Furthermore, this industry depends on accurate scientific research. Dr. Salah Shehata pointed at another important factor which is the need of the advanced tech industry for skilled cadres, which are currently not available in Egypt. That is what the Egyptian government is trying to do by providing training programs for cadres and adapting the workers to make use of modern advanced tech.

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