Rozelyosf Newspaper 2007/MAY /23
Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2007/MAY /22
Al-Ahram Al-Ektsady Magazine 2007/MAY /21
Al – Fager Newspaper 2007/MAY /21
Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2007/MAY /19
Rozelyosf Magazine 2007/MAY /26

A cooperation protocol has been signed between the Technological College and Americana allowing the opportunity for students to receive practical training in a range of various fields. Upon completion of the training, students will obtain all qualifications required for the labor market; in addition trainees receive LE 300 reward a month. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The cooperation protocol signed between the Technological College and Americana paves the way for a profound educational and practical training opportunity. The protocol makes practical training available to students in a rage of various fields, thus preparing them for the labor market industry. In addition, each trainee will receive LE 300 reward a month, whilst obtaining profound support from the institute during their academic year. Furthermore, the board of trustee at TCM has adopted the slogan ‘Education for Employment,’ whilst implementing it in its practical form through this program.

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