In addition to the effect of the tax policy and its mechanisms on national investment at the domestic and external levels; the tax policy is a key factor in determining the State’s role in managing economic activity and achieving the economic and social development plans. The role played by the tax policy in prompting the society’s readiness and willingness to participate in the development system cannot be disregarded. ( Available in Arabic )
The tax reform draft law in general is a good base for efficient tax reform that is expected to provide financial resources to the State treasury, guarantee tax justice, and create a good atmosphere for investment at the same time. It is no secret that the benefit of preserving health of the beneficiary as well as the social and psychological dimensions of his/her family members serves the interest of the State and definitely maximizes the return during the life of the beneficiary. On the other hand, medical insurance subscriptions paid to medical care providers are considered taxable income without unjustifiable double taxation.