Dr. Nader Riad participated with a report about the fields of bilateral cooperation between industry and universities in the meeting held at Cairo University on 22 January 2001. This meeting was attended by professors and industry men. Dr. Riad’s speech focused on the necessity of preparing graduates to accept professional and technological challenges, facing technology with the logic of the ability to learn and with the capacity of dealing, renewing, innovating and creating.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Dr. Nader Riad prepared a report about industry’s requirements for graduates’ universities to meet the professional specifications required by their career. Technical colleges and institutions have to apply some tools to graduate students who meet the conditions and specifications for their career. This could be accomplished by using the same codes for curriculums, which are agreed upon internationally, leading to the mutual recognition of university degrees between Egyptian and European universities and application of an academic accreditation system for curriculums, teachers, labs and workshops according to international standards. The paper referred to the necessity of applying general and accurate specialization systems to qualify graduates, especially engineers in the following specializations: economy, waste recycling, mechanism management and production planning.